Red-Thread Smirk

I just uploaded my little flipcam video of Red-Thread Smirk, live at Galapagos Arts Space, to YouTube. Red-Thread Smirk is the third in a series of songs written by myself and librettist/lyricist Royce Vavrek called Sex Objects, featuring unique characters and their intimate relationships with inanimate objects.

Here’s the video and I’ll include some more info on the song/project below.

Red-Thread Smirk

Music by Matt Marks
Lyrics by Royce Vavrek


Ted Hearne – Voice
Mellissa Hughes – Conductor
Cornelius Dufallo – Violin
Nadia Sirota – Viola
Clarice Jensen – Cello
Taylor Levine – Guitar
Matt Quayle – Piano
Chris Thompson – Drum Set

From “Sex Objects”:

In “Red-Thread Smirk” a young sailor chastises a dame de voyage (a cloth doll used for sex aboard a ship) for becoming the sexual object of desire, a post he held before she arrived. He makes sure she understands that her lack of a mouth with deprive the men of a great pleasure that he can provide.


Fuckin’ Mona Lisa lyin’ there.  You don’t deserve a mouth. Not that red-thread smirk he gave ya. Smith was the one who done it.  Smith, never liked ‘im. Smith, I wanna… It’s Smith we go to when our buttons fall off. I wanna kill ‘im.  Someday I will kill ‘im. Push ‘im overboard. Then the boat’ll be full’a guys with shirts gapin’ open.  And that’s fine by me.  Fine by me.

You were one of ‘is projects.  Smith was doin’ an awful lot of sewin’.  Boys called ‘im Pussy, but he just smirked.  I knew he was up to no good. Sneaking into my bed less’n less.  Then one day you showed up.  All stuffed and ready. No eyes no mouth no hair no nuthin’ but a ripped seam ready…  But you needed a mouth.

Fuckin’ Mona Lisa lyin’ there.  You don’t deserve a mouth. Not that red-thread smirk he gave ya.

When the boys get fall-down drunk, they let me do what your red-thread smirk can’t.  When my mouth curls up and down I gets ‘em grinnin’ like god damn Cheshire cats.  All of ‘em. Grinnin’ like fucking cats.  And I’ll take a grin over a smirk any day…


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2 responses to “Red-Thread Smirk

  1. Is there a libretto available?

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